My Life as a Mom

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With 6 happy kids, life can be really fun around here! This blog is dedicated to the joys and sometimes chaos of having a large family. Okay, so it's always chaos around here, but fortunately, it's almost always fun, too!

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Doctors Lambast Shields’ Dangerous Position on Paxil

7/2/2005 4:03:31 PM

Medical doctors today struck out against the dangerous position actress Brook Shields has taken in promoting the antidepressant Paxil for treatment of post partum depression (PPD). “Ms. Shields does not address the tremendous body of medical opinion against antidepressants being prescribed for PPD, nor does it appear she was medically advised of this. The FDA warns that these drugs can cause hostility, anxiety, agitation, panic attacks, and mania, which is a public health warning ignored in recent media coverage,” said Anthony P. Urbanek, M.D., a surgeon from Nashville.

Today, the FDA issued a warning that adults who use the antidepressants could also be at risk of suicidal behavior. After analyzing hundreds of studies, the FDA put out a notice about a higher-than-expected rate of suicide attempts in adults taking the drugs.

Julian Whitaker, M.D., the founder of the Whitaker Wellness Center in California, said, “PPD should be treated as a medical, not psychiatric condition. Add psychiatric drugs to the hormonal imbalance that occurs at birth and you’ve potentially created a time bomb. Texas mother Andrea Yates was prescribed antidepressants for PPD, became psychotic and drowned her five children.”

A statement by Edward G. Ezrailson, Ph.D., at the time of Ms. Yates’ trial, warned the drugs she was prescribed caused involuntary intoxication, leading to the murder of her children.

Psychiatrist Nancy Mullan, who practices non-drug alternatives to health care problems, warned, “There is a terrific plummet in hormones when giving birth which needs to be normalized. Blood sugar imbalances, nutrient deficiencies, low adrenal gland function, thyroid imbalance and copper and zinc deficiencies should all be tested for. The last thing you need is an antidepressant masking or messing with this.”

The Physicians Desk Reference also warns that Paxil can be secreted through breast milk.

Ms. Jan Eastgate, International President of the Citizens Commission on Human Rights, a psychiatric watchdog established by the Church of Scientology, says, “This is not a celebrity issue; it’s about the failure of psychiatrists and doctors that have bought into psychiatric marketing of PPD as a mental ‘disorder’ to inform women about the dangers of these drugs despite the FDA issuing very strong drug warnings.”

For further information, call Marla Filidei: 323-467-4242

Nancy Mullan: (818) 399-2038

Julian Whitaker: (714) 814-9798

Tony Urbanek: (615) 438-9001

Has the U.S. been tricked into believing prescription pills can cure everything?

(PRWEB) April 12, 2005 -- According to recent drug ads we can cure every ailment – from depression, anxiety, insomnia, hyperactivity, even the change of life. When did Americans become so gullible? Could it be that when the FDA relaxed the rules for television advertising of prescription drugs, we bought this illusion of happiness?

The fact that drug ads soared from $12 million to $1.58 billion in a decade indicates that the direct-to-consumer ads are working. Many patients ask their doctor for a drug by name or self diagnose their symptoms based on what they see on television. When did this dangerous trend turn on us as a society?

The recent murders by Jeff Weise, a sixteen year old a resident of the Red Lake Indian Reservation who killed nine people before killing himself has left the country in shock and wondering whether Prozac, Paxil, Wellbutrin, Lexapro, Zoloft, Xanax, Valium or any drug for ADHD is safe for our children.

We have heard many theories as to the cause – trauma, guns, poverty, goth culture, even video games. And yet, the question many parents are quietly asking is whether the drugs so readily prescribed to our children are increasing the risk of school shootings. Could such a tragedy have been avoided?

These are the questions that are addressed by Label Me Sane, a California organization dedicated to raising awareness regarding the dangers of prescription psychoactive drugs. Since the shootings in Minnesota they have been inundated with requests from parents seeking safe solutions to withdraw their children safely off behavioral drugs. Multitudes of adults have also requested assistance to withdraw from anti-depressants, sleeping pills or anti-anxiety drugs safely and without the withdrawal symptoms so many have suffered.

Recent statistics show that 40-50% of the American public is on anti-depressants. This does not include the use of anti-psychotics, stimulants and anti-anxiety drugs, such as sleeping pills – making the total number of drugged Americans into the tens of millions. What happens when someone tries to withdraw off a behavioral drug?

Many describe the withdrawals as excruciating, terrifying and worse than the depression or anxiety they were trying to treat. This is certainly nothing we want our children to suffer through.

Alesandra Rain, co-founder of Label Me Sane suffered terrifying withdrawals when she tried to stop her antidepressants and anti-anxiety drugs. It forced their organization to seek safe alternatives to withdraw off drugs without the crippling symptoms she suffered. “I don’t want anyone to suffer as I did. There is a solution available to withdraw safely and I encourage everyone to contact us for the information,” states Rain.

Contact for more information.

If you, or someone you love, is trying to get off psychiatric drugs, check out the following websites for how to find help:

Alternative Mental Health
Citizens Commission on Mental Health

Friday, July 01, 2005

Doctor Available to Address the Tom Cruise/Brooke Shields Controversy

In an interview this past week, Tom Cruise condemned Brooke Shields for taking antidepressants during her postpartum depression. Dr. Steven Hotze, author of "Hormones, Health and Happiness," says that in almost all cases, postpartum depression can be treated by balancing a new mother's hormones and without drug intervention.

(PREWB) June 2, 2005 -- In an interview this past week, Tom Cruise condemned Brooke Shields for taking the antidepressant Paxil during her postpartum depression. Dr. Steven Hotze, author of "Hormones, Health and Happiness," says that in almost all cases, postpartum depression can be treated by balancing a new mother's hormones and without drug intervention.

At the renowned Hotze Health and Wellness Center in Houston, Dr. Hotze and his staff of physicians have found that doing thorough checks of their patients' hormone levels and stabilizing them is much more effective and doesn't put the patient in a dazed drug state.

During pregnancy, the placenta produces massive quantities of progesterone-ten to twenty times the normal amount produced in a woman's body. After the baby is born, the woman's progesterone levels fall precipitously, leading to a state of estrogen dominance and functional hypothyroidism. Postpartum depression in most cases, says Dr. Hotze, can be treated by taking natural bioidentical progesterone.

"You don't have to go to the measure of taking anti-depressants in most cases, there are natural safe alternatives," said Hotze.

He is available for interviews this week and will be in New York on Friday/Saturday.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Landscape Architecture

I am really interested in growing plants - it really helps offices and hotels to look so much nicer when they have indoor plants.

Landscape architecture is such a great thing - making the world more beautiful.

Landscape Architecture

Indoor Plant Design