My Life as a Mom

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With 6 happy kids, life can be really fun around here! This blog is dedicated to the joys and sometimes chaos of having a large family. Okay, so it's always chaos around here, but fortunately, it's almost always fun, too!

Friday, June 11, 2004

What a good wife I am!

My husband was worried that he would miss an important meeting while he was out of town today. So I set MY alarm, and called him very early - at 5:30 am MY time.

When the kids woke up a few hours later, my son called him again, just to make sure Dad had gotten up and made it to his meeting. (He had.)

I think it's really important, when one spouse is out of town, to maintain the relationship as though the space isn't there. Because it is, after all, just space. With telephones and email, we really are just a moment away. So staying in close communication is really very simple. Just communicate!

Here are some great marriage links:

Tips for a Great Marriage.

Tips for Successful Relationships.

Marriage Solutions.

Marriage - Scientology Volunteer Ministers.

Scientology Technology helps Marriage.

Church of Scientology DC - Marriage.